Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Practice: Anatomy of an PeopleSoft Enterprise Archiving Project

Archiving is a proven best practice that has helped PeopleSoft Enterprise sites worldwide improve performance, control costs and automate data retention. What are the major components of a PeopleSoft archiving project? What decisions do sites need to make in order to successfully implement a full data management strategy?

In this session, attendees will learn how to:

  • Deploy policies to archive and retain historical records
  • Manage transactions according to business value
  • Reclaim underutilized capacity and improved efficiencies
  • Reduce the cost and risk associated with upgrade


Cynthia Babb
IBM Optim ERP Solutions
With over 12 years in the management, sales and marketing of technology products & services, Cynthia currently oversees product marketing efforts for the Optim ERP solutions at IBM. She has been a frequent speaker at conferences & regional events on topics ranging from data privacy to application data management. Prior to joining IBM, Cynthia led marketing & sales enablement efforts for Antenna Software. Cynthia is an Electrical Engineering graduate of California Polytechnic State University.;jsessionid=1FE6C44F9FC8A74961548462D63A2975?psrc=DET&res_id=1226694880_99

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