Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Practice: Anatomy of an PeopleSoft Enterprise Archiving Project

Archiving is a proven best practice that has helped PeopleSoft Enterprise sites worldwide improve performance, control costs and automate data retention. What are the major components of a PeopleSoft archiving project? What decisions do sites need to make in order to successfully implement a full data management strategy?

In this session, attendees will learn how to:

  • Deploy policies to archive and retain historical records
  • Manage transactions according to business value
  • Reclaim underutilized capacity and improved efficiencies
  • Reduce the cost and risk associated with upgrade


Cynthia Babb
IBM Optim ERP Solutions
With over 12 years in the management, sales and marketing of technology products & services, Cynthia currently oversees product marketing efforts for the Optim ERP solutions at IBM. She has been a frequent speaker at conferences & regional events on topics ranging from data privacy to application data management. Prior to joining IBM, Cynthia led marketing & sales enablement efforts for Antenna Software. Cynthia is an Electrical Engineering graduate of California Polytechnic State University.;jsessionid=1FE6C44F9FC8A74961548462D63A2975?psrc=DET&res_id=1226694880_99

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What might a recession mean for CRM and Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 and social networking tools have held the promise of fostering closer customer relationships and the potential for profits, but there's always been a hint of uncertainty about their effectiveness.

As the global credit crisis dries up available capital, particularly for new technology investments, where does that leave the market for social networking and Web 2.0?

For collaboration and productivity application vendors, often referred to as Enterprise 2.0, things were already looking gloomy before the crisis hit, according to G. Oliver Young, an analyst with Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester Research. Young recently authored a report suggesting that prices for such technology will fall over the next five years owing to a number of factors, including commoditization; the bundling of multiple Web 2.0 tools into suites; and larger, traditional enterprise software vendors adding these features at no extra cost. And that report was researched and written before the credit crisis struck.

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Oracle enhances Siebel CRM software, tinkers with gadgets

Oracle is releasing a set of enhancements to its flagship CRM product, Siebel CRM -- its second release since acquiring the company -- and is throwing in free gadgets to boot.

Siebel 8.1.1 will come equipped with Oracle CRM Gadgets for Sales, the latest release in the company's push toward Social CRM. Gadgets, or mini-applications that combine information from a corporate CRM system with information from the public Internet, are available via a free download from the Oracle website for existing Siebel customers and Oracle CRM On Demand customers. Integration with PeopleSoft CRM applications will be built out soon, but "they came kind of late to the table," said Dipock Das, senior director of CRM at Oracle.

Oracle CRM Gadgets for Sales can run on the desktop on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. The second release, due next year, will include support for the gadgets to run in Web browsers and an iGoogle page.

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